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SD Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP was built in the 2001 and was amended in 2009. It is located at UNP COMPLEX Jl. Prof. HAMKA, Padang City, West Sumatera. It is an Elementary Private School with an accreditation of A grade. The Air Tawar Barat urban village in Padang Utara sub-district, Padang city was established in 2001, which was initiated by the expert - the UNP expert while the expert arrived at school who had died and some were still alive until now. School trips or changes become the Elementary School of UNP Laboratory Pembangunan in 2009.

SCHOOL NAME:                                  SD PEMBANGUNAN LABORATORIUM, UNP

SCHOOL STATISTICS NUMBER:              102086107032

SCHOOL HOME NUMBER:                    100320

NATIONAL SCHOOL NUMBER:              0304018

DISTRICT:                                             AIR TAWAR BARAT

SUB-DISTRICT:                                       PADANG UTARA, PADANG CITY

PROVINCE:                                          WEST SUMATERA

ADDRESS:                                            UNP COMPLEX Jl. Prof. HAMKA

POST CODE:                                        25132

TELEPHONE:                                        0751-447557

SCHOOL STATUS:                                PRIVATE

SCHOOL GROUPS:                              IMBAS Elementary School

ACCREDITATION:                                 A

STANDING YEAR:                                2001

AMENDMENT YEAR:                            2009

LEARNING ACTIVITIES:                         MORNING Pad

School's Motto

"Alam takambang Jadi Guru"

School's Vision

"Berkepribadian yang luhur, Berprestasi, Beriman, Bertaqwa dan Peduli Lengkungan"

English Translation:



"A noble personality, Achievement, Belief, Faith and Care for Arches"


English Translation:


1. Realizing the competency of students to become men of faith and faith in God Almighty

2. Realizing high student achievement

3. Carry out learning that is oriented towards the development of morality in academic intelligence, and thinking, analysis.

4. Realizing a healthy, clean and free school environment from waste as an effort in the preservation and management and protection of environmental pollution.

1. Mewujudkan kompetensi peserta didik agar menjadi menusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

2. Mewujudka prestasi siswa yang tinggi

3. Melaksanakan pembalajaran yang beroriantasi pada pengembangan akhlak muhlia keceradasan akademik, dan berfikir, analysis.

4. Mewujudkan lingkungan sekolah yang sehat, bersih dan bebas, dari sampah sebagal upaya dalam pelestarian dan pengelolaan serta perlindungan terhadap pencemaran lingkungan.

School's Mission

Academic Support System

The Academic Support System of SD Pembangunan Laboratorium, UNP refers to the academic structure and facilities that the school has such as the Number of Enrollment s/y 2018-2019, Educators in SD Pembangunan and School facilities.


The following Academic Support System shows that SD Pembangunan laboratorium, UNP has a firm educational system were they able to cater students' need  and able to instill values that every students must possess. 

A. ENROLLMENT OF S/Y 2018-2019




Dr. Nurhasanah Syah M. Pd.


Sawir S, Pd., M.M

School Committee

Drs. Ali Umar Dt. Indo Marajo M. Kes

Deputy School Head

Sulfitri, Dewina S.Ag

Head of Management

Weri, Gunawan S.Pd


Ramat, Susanto S.Pd

Staff Administration




School Service

Dell Nelly Novita Zarmi

Functional Office Group


Weri, Gunawan S.Pd

Grade I A Adviser

Luthia Harnum S.Pd

Grade I B Adviser

Putri Wahyuni S.Pd

Grade II A Adviser

Sasra Dewi S.Pd

Grade III Adviser

Sri Novia Isyah, S.Pd

Grade III Adviser

Sri Novia Isyah, S.Pd

Grade II B Adviser

Silvi Yanel Muktia, S.Pd

Grade IV Adviser

Rissa Utami, S.Pd

Grade V Adviser

Marlina, M P.d

Grade VI A Adviser

Nanda Novita Sari, S.Pd

Grade VI B Adviser

Lili Morena, S.Pd

Religion Teacher

Sulfitri Dewina, S.Ag

Ridwani, S.Pdl

Corner Teacher

Trisno, S.Pd

English Teacher

Loly Efrina Koto, S.Pd

Master Teacher

Ike Adriyante S.Sos

C. School Facilities

SD Development The UNP Laboratory has 3 floors of space as follows:


a. 1 The principal's room inside is a direct WC room.

b. 1 Teacher's room

c. 1 Administration Room

d. 1 Library Room

e. Each floor has a mosque and bathroom (WC)

f. 1 Review of UKS

g. 1 BK Room

h. 1 Raung Pantry

i. 1 Hall Room

j. 1 ICT Labor Room

k. 1 Space Science Laboratory

l. 1 Meeting Room

m. Every Floor Has a Warehouse

Teaching System

The teaching system of SD Pembangunan Laboratorium applies the Thematic Approach. This approach is inclusion of other subject to a subject. Like for example, when a Miss Loli was teaching English she uses months of the year as a subject. The subject was English and the subject that was included was mathematics which is about the months of the year. Their teaching system is integration of one subject to another to ensure values and learning takes place.


The picture below is the schedule of class of Grade 4 where I was assigned. The teaching and learning process takes place in the morning and in the after the extra-curricular activities.


Materials and other Learning Sources

The school has library which has many textbooks that learners can borrow and use. The library has a wide space for learners to read and maximize all the materials that can be borrowed. The library also provides materials that is in useful in 21st Century learning such as, projector, speaker, diagrams, miniature, charts and etc. the library has a lot of materials that will provide learners the need in their learning process. Technology such as laptop, projector and speaker is being used during discussion. Video clips, pictures, animations and others are also used during the teaching and learning process.


Measurement and Evaluation System

The teachers in SD Pembangunan are using different kind of assessment that suits to evaluate students’ learning. One of this is Traditional assessment or the pen-and paper-test. Traditional assessments are those which is written work like quizzes, pupils’ workbook, activity and test exams. Most teachers use the pen-and-paper test because it is one of the most convenient evaluation to assess students’ learning. Authentic assessment and Alternative assessment are also used by the teachers. It is measured through the use of rubrics. SD Pembangunan Laboratorium has two semesters. Each semester they are having their quarterly examination that is Preliminary, Mid-term examination, Pre-final and final examination.


SD Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP is using the latest curriculum which is the 2013 curriculum The six-year curriculum includes: civics and religious education, moral education, Indonesian History, Bahasa Indonesia (national language), mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and art.  The curriculum is a student centered since it adheres to develop students’ competency learning and curricular background. The curriculum is known as “Kurikulum 13 SDN Luginasari Sukagalih Bandung”.

Teaching Plan

Teachers' teaching plan or the Teachers Implementation Plan contains the objective, activity and the teaching-teaching learning process. Their lesson plan is also the same in my country which is Philippines, the objectives must be aligned with the curriculum that they are following. Also, the activities must be aligned to the objectives that they have to attained through the discussion. Inclusion to the Teaching Plan of my teacher is the approach, strategy and technique on how my teacher will deliver the lesson.


Since I am assigned to teach mathematics, the hhotos below are the Teachers implementation Plan in Mathematics of my Teacher and its translation in English.




























English Translation



Education Units:           SD Pembengunan Lab. UNP

Class / Semester:          4 / 2

Lesson:                        1

Theme:                        Data and diagram

Sub theme:                   make data and diagram

Time allocation:           90 minutes


A. Progress

  1. Students are able to understand the data that will be presented in the form of bar charts

  2. Students are able to explain the data to be presented in the form of bar charts

  3. Students are able to interpret the data that will be presented in the form of bar charts

  4. Students are able to identify the data that will be presented in the form of bar charts

  5. Students are able to make data that will be presented in the form of bar charts


B. Core competencies

  1. Accept, carry out, and affect the extent of the religion he adheres to.

  2. Have honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, courtesy, care and confidence in interacting with family, friends, teachers and neighbors.

  3. Understand factual knowledge by observing (hearing, seeing, reading) and asking question based in curiosity about himself, creatures, God’s creations and activities, and objects found at home, school, and place.

  4. Presenting factual knowledge in clear, systematic and logical language, in aesthetic works, in movements that reflect healthy children, and in manner that reflects the behavior of children of faith and morality.


C. Basic competencies and indicators

charge: math

1. explain the personal data of students and their environment presented in the form of bar charts

2. read the self-data of the students and their environment presented in the form of bar chart


D. Material​

  1. Data and Diagram


E. Approach and Methods

  1. Approach: Scientific

  2. Strategy: Cooperative Learning

  3.  Technique: Example non-example

  4. Method: Assignment, observation, question and answer, discussion and practice


F. Learning Activities

Preliminaries Activity: (10 minutes)

1.       the teacher gave greetings and invited to pray according to their respective religions and beliefs

2.       communicate about student attendance

3.       invites dynamics with a compact pat and relevant songs

4.       The teacher gives motivation and activities to increase the concentration of student learning

5.       the teacher prepares the physical and psychological children in initiating learning activities and greeting children

6.       the teacher reviewed the material presented earlier

convey the purpose of learning that will be carried out today



A.      observe

1.       students observe the teacher's explanation of how to make a bar chart from the data presented

o    present data in the form of diagrams

a data can be understood quickly when presented with a diagram. one of them is a bar diagram

o    to present data in a bar diagram is to show each data value in the form of a vertical or horizontal rectangle. the height of each rectangle matches the value (frequency) of the data


B.      Ask

1.       the teacher gives the opportunity to students to ask questions about the material that has been delivered by the teacher

2.       students ask for teacher explanations that have not been understood

3.       the teacher explains student questions


C.      reasoning

1.       students try to discuss with friends about how to make bar charts from the data presented

2.       the teacher appoints several students to go forward and explain the results of the discussion on how to make a bar chart from the data presented

3.       the teacher guides and gives justification if there are errors in students

4.       The teacher states that students have understood the activities to be carried out


D.      try

1.       The teacher gives several questions to the students to make a self-diagram of the data that has been presented

·         make bar charts of the data that have been presented

let's try

the canteen at the school sells various kinds of bottled drinks. many of the songs sold today are:


A drink sold 19 packs

B drinks sold 24 packs

C drinks sold 14 packs

D drinks sold 20 packs, and

E-drinks sold sold 16 packs

try submitting the data in the form of bar charts

2.       the teacher asks students to ask the question

the teacher appoints several students to write the results of their work in front of the class in turn


E.      communicating

1.       students present verbally to their friends about how to make bar charts from the data presented

students convey the benefits of learning how to make bar charts from data presented which is done orally in front of friends and teachers


Closing Activity (15 minutes)

1.       The teacher provides material reinforcement about reading data presented in a bar diagram and how to make a bar chart from the data that has been presented

2.       The teacher appreciates the results of student work and provides motivation to increase student enthusiasm

3.       the teacher delivers moral messages today wisely

greetings and closing prayers


F. Source and Media

 Class 4 4 Theme Teacher Handbook and 4th Class 4 Theme Student Book (2013 Integrated Curriculum Thematic Book, Jarkarta Ministry of Education and Culture, 2016)


G. Judgement

the assessment of the learning process and results is carried out by the teacher to exchange the level of achievement of the competency of the students. the results of the assessment are used as material for preparing progress reports on learning outcomes and improving the process, namely from observing attitudes, testing knowledge and practices / performance in accordance with the assessment rubric as follows;




1. Present the following data in the form of a bar chart


Data on visitors to the 2015 glorious health center are as follows


January 380 people

February 370 people

March 372 people

April 369 people

May 375 people

June 382 people

Learning Implementation Plan

in Mathematics

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